Jane and Eva Happy
"When I was a kid, there was a farm at the end of the
street until I was nine," says Jane Happy, who grew up in
Salem. "We could go play in the field all day long. I was
heartbroken when it was developed." Now a social worker at
Sacred Heart, a resident of Eugene's Friendly Neighborhood,
and the mother of 10-year-old Eva, Happy has taken an active
role this year in the effort to save Madison Meadow, two
acres of remnant meadow and orchard. "I was making fairies
for Eva's birthday party fairy hunt," she says. "I had an
inspiration to make them to benefit the park." Constructed
from artificial flowers, costume jewelry, and other
thrift-store materials, the Happy fairies were a hit for ten
dollars each at the Mt Pisgah Wildflower Show. "I've been
making two every night ever since," she reports. "Eva makes
one or two. We've sold a thousand dollars worth at garden
tours." Though they've raised $379K since incorporating in
2003, the Madison Meadow nonprofit needs another $143K by
December to save the land from development. Learn more at
happening people
photograph and story by Paul Neevel
Eugene Weekly / 9 August 2007