The Steffensen Family
Betsy Steffensen was recently named chairperson of the
Lane County Democrats' Peace Caucus. Her record of political
activism dates back to Girl Scout years in Saint Louis, when
she was part of an integrated troop during the era of school
segregation. She organized the Lane County Million Mom March
in 2000 to coincide with the national event opposing gun
violence. "Five thousand people showed up for our march,"
she notes. Later that year, voter passage of Measure 5
halted gun show sales in Oregon. Betsy's daughter Kara
Steffensen co-founded Friendly Neighbors for Peace in
December of 2002, as pressure for the Iraq War was building.
Neighbors got together to paint signs for an MLK Day march
in January of 2003. A design by Kara's son Esteban Camacho
Steffensen, chosen for mass production, has become a
familiar sight on local lawns. Esteban displays the sign in
front of a mural that he is painting as a
baccalaureate-degree project in a South Eugene HS hallway.
Join the Steffensens in this year's Million Mom March on
Mothers' Day, assembling at 2:30 pm on the EWEB plaza.
happening people
photograph and story by Paul Neevel
Eugene Weekly / 11 May 2006