Nancy Zimmermann
As a child growing up in suburban Westchester County
north of New York City, Nancy Zimmermann was an obsessive
artist. "My mother recalls that I would sit and draw for
five or six hours," she says. Zimmermann also remembers the
small amphibians that lived in ponds near her home, and the
dawning of environmental awareness. "I was angry when
yuppies moved in and used herbicides," she says. "Before
long the frogs were gone." Zimmermann met her partner, Simon
Strange, when both were students at Wesleyan University in
Connecticut, and returned with him after graduation to his
home town of Eugene. Now the mother of two young children,
she volunteers 20 hours a week as director of MECCA, the
Materials Exchange Center for Community Arts. "It combines
my interests in art and in environmental sustainability,"
she notes. Founded in 2002, MECCA accepts donations of
surplus plastic, paper, textiles, and other materials, sells
these art supplies for low prices, and offers workshops for
kids and adults in its studio at 43 W Broadway. Learn about
hours, donations, volunteer opportunities, and special
events at <www.materials-exchange.org>.
happening people
photograph and story by Paul Neevel
Eugene Weekly / 23 February